バルチモアでのオバマ次期大統領発言を訳してみました(Remarks of President-Elect Barack Obama in Baltimore)

バルチモアでのオバマ次期大統領発言を訳してみましたが、自己流なのでちょっとピンとこない訳もあるかも知れません...また誤訳があれば指摘お願いします。m(_ _)m
なお原文は http://www.pic2009.org/ に載ってました。さすがにdictationは無理です...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

We began this train trip in Philadelphia earlier today. It is fitting that we did so - because it was there that our American journey began. It was there that a group of farmers and lawyers, merchants and soldiers, gathered to declare their independence and lay claim to a destiny that they were being denied.


It was a risky thing, meeting as they did in that summer of 1776. There was no guarantee that their fragile experiment would find success. More than once in those early years did the odds seem insurmountable. More than once did the fishermen, laborers, and craftsmen who called themselves an army face the prospect of defeat.


And yet, they were willing to put all they were and all they had on the line - their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor - for a set of ideals that continue to light the world. That we are equal. That our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness come not from our laws, but from our maker. And that a government of, by, and for the people can endure. It was these ideals that led us to declare independence, and craft our constitution, producing documents that were imperfect but had within them, like our nation itself, the capacity to be made more perfect.

にもかかわらず、彼らは彼らのすべて - 生命、未来、名誉 - を世界を照らし続ける一連の理想のためにかけたのです。我々も同じです。我々の生きる権利、自由、幸福の追求は、法律ではなく法律を作る人間(国会議員)からくるのです。そしてその政府(議員によって構成された)は国民の、国民によって、国民のため(of,by,for)にあればこそ存在できるのです(can endure)。これらの信念が独立を宣言をさせ、合衆国憲法 - 当時の合衆国同様完璧ではないがより完璧になろうとする可能性を持っている文書 - を作りだしたのです。

A few decades after the framers met in Philadelphia, our new union faced its first true test. The White House was in flames, and the British were advancing on Baltimore. That’s when the fate of our nation fell to the troops at Fort McHenry. They were a varied lot, these troops: sailors, militiamen, and even a runaway slave. But on one long and rainy night, they beat back the greatest navy that the world had ever known. And when that night was over, they raised a flag in triumph, inspiring an onlooker to compose a poem that became the Star-Spangled Banner.

フィラデルフィアに独立宣言の起草者が集まってから数十年後、私たち合衆国は最初の真の試練を受けました。(1814年米英戦争)ホワイトハウスは炎に包まれ、イギリス軍はバルチモアまで進軍してきていました。まさにその時がフォートマーシーでのわが合衆国の運命の戦いだったのです。(アメリカ国歌の歌詞は、マックヘンリー砦の上にはためく星条旗を見て感動したFrancis Scott Keyによって作られた) これら軍隊には様々な集団がいました:船乗り、民兵そして逃亡奴隷さえも。しかし、この長い雨の夜に彼らは世界でかつて最も勇敢なイギリス海軍を撃退したのです。そして夜があけたとき、彼は勝利の旗を掲げ、その翻る旗を見た一人の目撃者が(アメリカ国歌の)「星条旗」の歌詞を閃いたのです。

We are here today not simply to pay tribute to those patriots who founded our nation in Philadelphia or defended it in Baltimore, but to take up the cause for which they gave so much. The trials we face are very different now, but severe in their own right. Only a handful of times in our history has a generation been confronted with challenges so vast. An economy that is faltering. Two wars, one that needs to be ended responsibly, one that needs to be waged wisely. A planet that is warming from our unsustainable dependence on oil.

(実際のビデオでは、A planet that is warming today.といって笑いをとったあと[今日のバルチモアはとても寒い様子だったので...]、from our unsustainable dependence on oil.と続けている。)

And yet while our problems may be new, what is required to overcome them is not. What is required is the same perseverance and idealism that those first patriots displayed. What is required is a new declaration of independence, not just in our nation, but in our own lives - from ideology and small thinking, prejudice and bigotry - an appeal not to our easy instincts but to our better angels.

我々の直面する問題は新しいかもしれませんが、打ち勝つのに要求されているのは新しいものではありません。要求されているのは建国者たちが示したのと同じ忍耐と理想です。求められているのは新たな独立宣言、国家だけではなく、我々自身の生活 - イデオロギー、つまらない考え、偏見、狭量 - 安易な本能に流れるのではなく、より良い天使の声に耳を傾けましょう。

That is the reason I launched my campaign for the presidency nearly two years ago. I did so in the belief that the most fundamental American ideal, that a better life is in store for all those willing to work for it, was slipping out of reach. That Washington was serving the interests of the few, not the many. And that our politics had grown too small for the scale of the challenges we faced.


But I also believed something else. I believed that our future is our choice, and that if we could just recognize ourselves in one another and bring everyone together - Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, north, south, east and west, black, white, Latino, Asian, and Native American, gay and straight, disabled and not - then not only would we restore hope and opportunity in places that yearned for both, but maybe, just maybe, we might perfect our union in the process.

しかし私はそれとは違うことを信じていました。我々の未来は我々の選択であり、互いに力を合わせることを悟れば、 - 民主党共和党無党派、北部、南部、東部、西部、黒人、白人、ラテン系、アジア系、ネイティブアメリカン、ゲイ、ノーマル、障害者、健常者 - 希望を取り戻し、互いに熱望すれば、おそらくは、それだけで、完全な未来へと進んでいけるだろうと信じています。

This is what I believed, but you made this belief real. You proved once more that people who love this country can change it. And as I prepare to leave for Washington on a trip that you made possible, know that I will not be traveling alone. I will be taking with me some of the men and women I met along the way, Americans from every corner of this country, whose hopes and heartaches were the core of our cause; whose dreams and struggles have become my own.


Theirs are the voices I will carry with me every day in the White House. Theirs are the stories I will be thinking of when we deliver the changes you elected me to make. When we are seeing new jobs created that pay more to those who work them, I will be thinking of people like Kevin and Kirsten Meehan, who can’t afford to turn on the heat or pay rent, and are tapping into Kevin’s 401k to help support their two young children.


When our children are graduating from newer, better schools that prepare them to be good citizens and sought-after workers, I will be thinking of middle school teachers like Rosa Mendoza, who is giving her students the chance to fulfill their God-given potential.


When quality health care is no longer something we hope for, but something we can count on, I will be thinking of people like Patricia Stiles, who was diagnosed with a serious illness just as her husband lost his pension and her kids’ tuitions were coming due.


These are the stories that will drive me in the days ahead. They are different stories, told by men and women whose journeys may seem separate. And yet, what you showed me time and again is that no matter who we are or what we look like, no matter where we come from or what faith we practice, we are a people of common hopes and common dreams, who ask only for what was promised us as Americans - that we might make of our lives what we will and see our children climb higher than we did.

これらの物語は今後の私を駆り立てます。(これらの物語はたぶんオバマ氏のもとに集まってきた市民の声) 彼らには違った物語があり、彼らの旅はそれぞれ別のように聞こえます。しかしながら、私に繰り返し示されたこれらのものは、私たちが誰であろうと、あるいは誰に似てようと、どこかの出身であろうとどんな信念を実践していようと、我々は同じ理念、理想を抱いているのです。我々の子供達によりよい生活を見いだせるような。

We recognize that such enormous challenges will not be solved quickly. There will be false starts and setbacks, frustrations and disappointments. And we will be called to show patience even as we act with fierce urgency.


But we should never forget that we are the heirs of those early patriots, ordinary men and women who refused to give up when it all seemed so improbable; and who somehow believed that they had the power to make the world anew. That is the spirit that we must reclaim today.


For the American Revolution did not end when British guns fell silent. It was never something to be won only on a battlefield or fulfilled only in our founding documents. It was not simply a struggle to break free from empire and declare independence. The American Revolution was - and remains - an ongoing struggle “in the minds and hearts of the people” to live up to our founding creed.

アメリカ独立戦争にとってイギリス軍の攻撃が沈黙するときが終わりではありませんでした。戦場で勝つことや、憲法を草案することだけではありません。単純に帝国主義から自由になり独立宣言をするということでもありません。アメリカ独立戦争は、-そしていまだに- 私たちのよってたつ信念による「人々の心の中での」継続的な戦いです。

Starting now, let’s take up in our own lives the work of perfecting our union.
Let’s build a government that is responsible to the people, and accept our own responsibilities as citizens to hold our government accountable.
Let’s all of us do our part to rebuild this country.


Let’s make sure this election is not the end of what we do to change America, but the beginning.
Join me in this effort. Join one another in this effort. And together, mindful of our proud history, hopeful for the future, let’s seek a better world in our time. Thank you.
